Fancy Wicked Christmas Cards from China?

Stunning artist Kristel, whose profile you can read here, has once again come up with an amazing project in creativity and a dash of much-needed laughter – funny animal/COVID-themed Christmas cards. She designed and painted them herself and is giving half the proceeds to a good cause.

“I love Christmas, but as any expat knows, Christmas traditions need to be adapted to the country one lives in. Best done with humour, I find,” says Kristel.

“I do Christmas designs every year to sell in support of Snowland projects, and try to make them relevant to life experience as expats. Obviously Corona and all that entails has been perhaps the largest influence on life of late, and I decided to look for the humour rather than letting it get me depressed. Hoping the cards make other people smile too, since I sat giggling quietly to myself over them while making them. And we could all use a bit of a giggle in these uncertain times.”


Snowland has done a Christmas project to fundraise for a selected animal shelter for the past couple years, but on a much smaller scale. This year due to lockdowns, Kristel began making the usual cards early to entertain herself and then thought of doing a larger project involving more shelters. There are now eight shelters confirmed from all over China. This will be a trial project and if all goes well, perhaps Snowland Art School will do more art/pet collaborations in the future.

So if you’d like to support a wonderful art school in one of the Tibetan autonomous prefectures of China and also do something to help animals, this should be right up your alley.

Snowland Art School Christmas Cards
Tested Santas only!

“Obviously we have all had a rough (couple of) years,” says Kristel. “Snowland normally has a summer income from tour groups, international school visits and workshops… basic tourism. That didn’t happen this summer, and with kuaidi (delivery) shut down, we didn’t even have a basic income from sales.

“And I know shelters have been really struggling, with an even greater workload, as so many people have had to leave China, and getting animals out on flights is harder. So buying these cards is a win-win. It supports our talented young artists from disadvantaged families and gives them a sense of empowerment in being able to make a difference. It also helps the animal rescue programs and all their work.

“The world is in a bit of a mess at the moment, and any wee bit of positivity that we can put into it, the better. This is a tiny project, but every little bit helps, and hopefully it will pave the way for future projects.”

The cards are 20 RMB each including envelope and there are 12 motifs in total. If you would like to order some, you can contact Kristel at or add her on WeChat under tanzeng4137.

Be aware that if you are outside of China, you might have to organise a card mule flying to your country to get at them, as the international post is horrific and frankly impossible these days.

Snowland Art School Christmas Cards
Delivering a Merry Christmas this year!
Laura Nutchey-Feng
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